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Haven Community

  • Are you in a crisis of faith? 

  • Where are you at in your spiritual journey?

  • What is your deepest longing for a Christian community?

“Jesus says…” 
“Are you tired? 
Worn Out?
Burned out on Religion?
Come to Me.
Come Home.”

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The Haven Community is inspired by Psalm 107 which describes four groups of people: the lost and wanderers, the imprisoned, the sinners, and the voyagers. The Haven Community is for people who felt lost and confused, people who are seeking refuge from pain, trauma or oppression, people who are seeking a space to be renewed in God, seeking for a place to be accepted for who they truly are, the “Dones” and “Nones” have no roots and continue to seek God’s presence in the world.

Haven “מָחוֹז, machowz” - a place of refuge

Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,

and he brought them out of their distress.  (Psalm 107 6, 13, 19, 28)

He stilled the storm to a whisper;    

the waves of the sea were hushed.

They were glad when it grew calm,    

and he guided them to their desired haven. (Psalm 107:29-30)


The Haven Community is…

  • A non-judgmental community that is based on trust, and compassion, acknowledging that we are all broken and need the grace of God

  • A place to share our joy, our pain, our doubts, our tears, and our vulnerabilities 

  • A place to share and exchange ideas, life-stories and experiences of God

  • A place to rethink the church traditions, explore various spiritual practices and ways of worship

  • A place to find God’s calling for us individually and actively engage in the needs of our cities 

We will be exploring the following gathering format:

i. Devotions, seminars and discussions

ii. Various spiritual practices and traditions

iii. Various art mediums

iv. Retreats

v. Meals together

vi. Projects together

The Haven Community meets every 2nd and 4th Friday at 8pm each month. 

If you are interested to join our Haven Gatherings, please email us at
