The Table Conference

MAY 27-28, 2022

Joseph has the opportunity to lead the main session to kickoff The Table Conference organized by the New Leaf Network. He is even more excited to learn from Dr. Andrew Root in living out wisdom and creating Christian spaces in the post-modern and post-Christian age.

We The Diaspora


Joseph is presenting a workshop on supporting & journeying with the diaspora.

“We are all diaspora. We have been scattered by various factors and gathered together by common beliefs. There are more people being scattered today than any other time in recent history because of war, violence, economic or environment factors. In this Webinar, we will be exploring ways to journey together with the diaspora of our times, become aware of their needs, and reimagine a new community and identity.”

Newcomers Network

Register Here

Teens Conference:
Seeing God through Arts and Imagination


In-Person - March 15, 2022
Online - March 16, 2022

We are all creative being as we have a creator God who instills beauty and wonder throughout creation. Art making is a process which helps us process our emotions and challenges in life and see where God is leading us through images and symbols. Discover and develop creative gifts through arts and nurture our attentiveness to God’s presence in our daily lives. This is a hands-on workshop where we will be making art and learning experientially. No artistic skills needed, just come with an open heart.

Teens Conference - Ambassadors For Christ

The Way We Rest

6 weekly workshops to re-discover what rest means.

Date: May 17- Jun 22, 2022

Instructor: ChrisB, Joseph & Chingsum

Language: English

Fee: $99

Location: Centre

Spaces are limited

Questions? We love to hear from you. Please contact Amy:

To Register:

Art and Spirituality: How Great Thou Art (Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre)

ChrisB & Joseph are hosting a one-day course- How Great Thou Art at Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre.

We are all creative as we have a creative God who instilled beauty into our souls. Our inner artist yearns to be participants in the healing of the world by bringing images, words, and actions that inspires others and attract people to God’s amazing love.

Art-making process is a creative journey which help deepens our spiritual experience of both our inner life and the world around us as we being more aware of the beauty and goodness in the creation. The process of art-making is a contemplative and healing process as we meditate on Scripture and religious art and reflect on our relationship with God.

Art becomes a container of projections and expressions of longings for God. Oftentimes, art is used as part of our worship to God. Colours and patterns become coding of how we see and experienced God. Each person is uniquely created in the image of God to glorify Him. Art can also offer an alternative vocabulary, narrative and language of hope for the marginalized and outcast, being the voice for the voiceless. This module is very interactive and experiential, no previous art-making experience is required except for an open heart.

Date: Sat. January 22, 2022 (9AM-3PM EST)

The Spiritual Journey:
A Pilgrimage

One of the great theme of the Bible is the spiritual journey. Our spiritual journey of faith comes with many roads, signs, stages, and seasons as we journey with ourselves, with others and with God. All of us are “pilgrims on the way” as we are on a continuous journey of transformation to be more like Jesus Christ. This module will lay out various stages of our faith journey, and spiritual pathways to help us grow in intimacy with God.

Instructor: Joseph Wong

Location: Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre

Date: September 18, 2021

Webinar: Welcome Hong Kong!

"The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.” (Proverbs 21:1 ESV)

With all that has transpired in Hong Kong over the last two years, hundreds of thousands of Hong-Kongers have started coming to Canada through various channels. Many of them will need help with settlement in a foreign land. Some may even be struggling with wounds and hurts on deeper emotional and spiritual levels.

How can we as a Christian community effectively reach out to them with Christ’s love, and help them come to a place of healing, restoration and even reconciliation? Come join us to learn from 3 workshop speakers sharing their insight and experience working with the new Hong Kong arrivals.

Workshop Speakers: Joseph Wong; Rev. Francis Lau; Rev. Kevin Hon

Date: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2021 AT 1:30 PM – 3 PM